Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

i still remember it all

My memories at that moment..
I remember it all..
Even i’ve try hard to forget,  i can’t..

Every little thing of those memories, nothing could be ignored..
I still remember it all..
How the first time i met you..i still remember..
You were the new one here ..
but, there was something different  i saw in yourself..
and u know,  that was my first time i realize that i hav a weird feeling..
yes..i was crazy of fallin’ in love..

everytime i had..i  always tried to find u..
found you in every little path of such many crowded people around you..
just only to reach ur appearance ..
coz i loved everything u done..
i noticed every movements u done..
i loved to see u smiling..
i loved to see u laughing..
and i loved to see ur silent ..
yes..i still remember it all..

the times passed..but my feeling was never gone..
it growed up along time i passed..
and i..still in my admiration of u..
why did it could happened? But i just couldn’t found the answer why..
till i ever dreamed of you..and i never know how come it could happened..

the times passed..and i really wanted to know u closely..
how the first we communicated each other..i still remember it all..
how pleased me  got ur message..though it was only a simple thing..
yes..i was too happy though it just a simple thing of you..
how crazy i was on that moment..
and i still remember it all..

the days passed..
and i strongly feel  i had love..
dont u know..
i always used the door to spied ur play on the ground.. fool i am at that time..
that was a funny thing i made just becoz of love..
when u passed away in front of me..dont u know, my heart was knocking hardly..
my mouth felt dumb even just to reply ur smile..i couldnt spoke anything..i always  felt speechless..
and when u smile at me..dont u know..that was a big happiness for me..
i was really wanted to yelling “i’am HAPPY”..but i just can hide it in ma heart..
have u ever  realized it boy?
No..bcos i’am a smart liar..coz i’am a good hide my feeling..
Altough it was so much tortured me..

The months has gone..
and i started a new story..together with you..
we had been “us”..
my love came by..and you  got me..
u got my heart..and u succed  steal it..

i still remember it all..
when the first time we met in the different way..u were mine, and i was yours..
i kissed ur hand..sat down in front of you..
i was free to see your face..ur eyes..ur appearance was so clearly..
one of ma big happines could having you..

i still remember it all..
when u always made many jokes to me..u always succeed to make me smile and laugh..
i’m happy ever having u boy..
u can fill my days with many funny things u made..
i still remember all..when u played me a guitar and sang me many songs..
i really loved ur voice..again, u succeed to make me smile..
everynight..u never felt bored to always accompaning me..
u never felt tired to sing me many songs deliver me to my long rest..
u never felt tired to tell me so many nice stories before i felt asleep..
and i always left u alone..but u never complained it..
u keep doing that..i really loved everything u’ve done..
oh boy..i still remember it all..

dont u still remember?
How hard we passed our days..bcoz of we are different..
Meet u is a hard thing to do..and we just able to see each other..
But it was enough for matter if i have had ur love..
Every day we always feel in a big longing..
Till we got a time to  be together..
u were very close to me..
Could be in ur side was a beautifull i can feel your smell..and I can see you freely..
i still remember..when u hug me, it was the first time i could feel urself so close to me..
And when u kissed my forehead..that was too sweet to be forgot..
Oh my goodness..that was unforgottable thing between us..

Now..all has gone..
I cant see ur smiling to me..
I cant hear ur voice sing me some songs..
I cant hear ur joke that always make me laugh..
And even if i  just wanna ask “how are you today”,i cant..
i missin’ everything u made for me,my night feels empty..
Cz those are caused by my mistakes..
my mistakes..made u cry..
made u feel ur deep broken heart..
im SORRY..i just dont have any choice to be choosen..
im SORRY..

thats all has gone for such a long time ago..
But our memories is never gone..
They are very close here in my mind..ur name’s still close in my heart..
I never have any afford to forget them all..
And i just can let my tears fallin down everytime i remember it all..
I just feel my heart hurt everytime i try to forget..
I really wanna left them behind..
Coz everything wont be change..
We will never been “us”..
But why this ending  so pain boy..
my heart was broken..and till now it keeps break..
everytime i can see how can i throw u away?
How can i start my new ownway if every meet you remind me about my broken heart..
It’s too pain...
How can i forget it all?
Give me the ways..
cz i still remember it all..

The last of all my writings..
I thank to Allah who ever sent  me you..
A beautiful love i ever felt..
And i just wanna praise to Him to send you someone better than me..
Someone who will loving you more than how much i love you..
Cz i cant do anything more..i just able to love u alone here..
Believe me, that u’ll find the really woman..
And one happiness for me too, if u are happy..

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